13:01Welcome to BreakoutEDU...this week's Professional Learning in The LOFT.
'Breakout EDU creates ultra-engaging learning games for people of all ages. Games (Breakouts) teach teamwork, problem solving, critical thinking, and troubleshooting by presenting participants with challenges that ignite their natural drive to problem-solve.' (Source:
During the recent 'Singapore Summit featuring GAFE' the SAS Technology team participated in the BreakoutEDU pre-conference session. We had a blast, participating in a Breakout, and then making ones of our own. This session in The LOFT was prepared by James Shin-Gay (@jshingay) and Kelli Buxton (@kbuxton), who also designed the Breakout you'll participate in. This week's offering is therefore a true share-out of what we learned.
This week also marks the beginning of our (optional) Graduate/University Credit course offered in partnership with the University of Northern Iowa (Check out the details here) as well as being a session where all K-12 faculty and staff are invited to attend.
Please note that the regular Thursday morning is now an after school. Both Tues and Thurs sessions at 3:20pm will be in C200 IS/MS Faculty Lounge (past the MS Cafeteria on way to the MS. Just before Central IT.)