Digital Citizenship Week 2015


Today, our students are using the immense power of digital media to explore, connect, create, and learn in ways never before imagined. With this power, young people have extraordinary opportunities, and yet they face potential pitfalls, too. At SAS we discuss and focus attention on issues that concern us all, like digital resilience, online safety, and online security. These issues underscore the need for students to learn — and for teachers to teach — digital literacy and citizenship skills.  

In order to observe Digital Citizenship week, the ES Ed Tech team has curated a list of helpful videos and discussion points for teachers to use with their class. Please take time to discuss these issues related to use of the internet with your students.

K-2 Videos
  1. Monday - What is the Internet?
  1. Tuesday - My Online Neighborhood
  1. Wednesday - Follow the Digital Trail
  1. Thursday - Pause and Think Online
  1. Friday - Super Digital Citizen

3-5 Videos
  1. Monday - Digital Footprint
Grade 5…
  1. Tuesday - Mindful Messaging
  1. Wednesday - The Power of Words
  1. Thursday - Pause and Think Online
  1. Friday - Super Digital Citizen

Parent Resource

Classroom poster:

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