The Loft is dedicated to the activities of the ES EdTech Team at Singapore American School. We want to inspire teachers and students to be curious, innovative and reflective learners. Follow us on Twitter via #SAStheLoft
Google Tips and Tricks for Admin! And other amazing information they should know
This 1 hour session is presented 'by request' and the following slidedeck represents some of the issues we see coming down the road at us when we arrive in the room!
These slides will be updated after the session and we hope it serves as a useful resource for our intended audience as well as anyone else out there looking for this type of thing.
#schoolstarts Tech Survival for new Faculty to get you started.
Welcome to the start of the 1617 year! This is a post that stands in support of a session we are presenting to all new Elementary Faculty. It's therefore a survival guide for those new to Singapore American School.
SAS teachers can also access our Technology Orientation document, the content of which we are confident will be extremely helpful.
We are the Elementary School EdTech Team from Singapore American School.
Our current SMART Goal is:
By May 2016, the ES Ed Tech Team will create and document conditions for a perpetual learning environment in which innovation and experimentation are viewed as ways of conducting day-to-day business.
This online space captures our efforts to transform the physical space, programs offered, and learning culture in our school. Our motto: Aim High!
This is the biggest year for 21CL yet, with eight significant face-to-face
events alongside online professional learning opportunities. We have a full
*PD Session 9: Understanding Drive & Photos*
Drive and Photos are both powerful tools for saving and sharing photos with
colleagues, family,
and friends. ...
This year, my school purchased not one, not two, but five 3D printers. All
of them, the same model, the XYZ DaVinci Duo printer. As an EdTech